Labels:plastic | electric blue | text | aqua | cobalt blue OCR: OSM is electoral nay have bictechnoog bislav + Powerful Conversation nds supybrt to Milos 10 he Our wody Supy fred Featur rime loses out to defense in Co ON 23 hon gay Americans. And I think diey sent from Angeles Times think it will split their base" Republican Sen. John W. Warner, B.Va ., since Pati Norte day scumes nate chairman of the Senate Armed Set- .000 o be nd accus sought by vice Committee, said Thursday that inths North them tons of six kid even though & he had pushed for the legislation's protest Ard the do touse and senate removal to avoid a filibuster by cone Party as on the Nores iusean the measure. would Servative Republicans that would nave have blocked action on the defen "It is hard for me hate-crime laws spending bill dolence based on "In the interest of dentation or dis- defense, this bill must major expansin upon by the Senate," he in 1968. The Senate in June negotiators bate-crime legislati icerns that CO ons of the e-crime provision vote, and the ause it is 092850 thorizing delense voted 232 to ponsibi 50V. rest asure's only hope tiators to acc Thursda now appears to Thursday itensif Pou BUB Ilid onti Clinton will ins of final feder between med r for tions White House ns t immediate auto Thur